Water Softener Maintenance

Jason’s Water softening systems are easy to install and set-up. Use this guide to familiarize yourself with the system and learn how to practice routine maintenance. If you have any issues troubleshooting your system please feel free to contact us.

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How To Maintain A Water Softener

One of the most common questions we answer here at Jason’s Water Systems is “What should I do to maintain a water softener?” That’s why we’ve put together a comprehensive series of videos regarding different aspects of maintaining your water softener system. From servicing your brine tank with a salt refill to setting up your water softener’s automated schedule, we’ve got everything you need to know regarding how to maintain your water softener. Check out the videos below to learn more about how to maintain a water softener.

How to Reset Salt Level Warning on New Touchscreen Valve

Reset Salt Alarm

Press and Hold “Low Salt Level” 7-10 seconds

Reset Total Amount of Salt in Brine Tank

  1. Press Spy Glass Button
  2. Press and Hold the LBS of Salt
  3. Adjust Salt Level to Match New Salt Added
  4. Press Enter to Accept New Setting

How to Set Time of Day on New Touch Screen Valve

  1. Press and Hold the Time of Day until Screen Changes
  2. Use Up and Down Arrows to Change Time (holding the buttons for time to change faster)
  3. Once Hour is correct, Press Enter and Adjust the Minutes using Up and Down Arrows
  4. Once Time is Correct Press Enter to Accept

How to Set the Time of Day

A water timer is an internal clock that determines when to refresh the water in your soft water loop. Because Jason’s Water Softener is a point of use system it comes set out of the box to refresh at 2:00 A.M. If the time of day is wrong on your system from a power outage or other electrical occurrence you may need to reset the time to correct the time of day the system regenerates.

Select the Scroll Button

The first step to resetting the time on your water softener is to select the scroll button which is the first button on the left located on the front panel. The scroll button is used to cycle through the various setting on the system.

Correct The Time

After the button has been pressed once, you will be able to press the up arrows to increase the time and the down arrows to decrease the time. You can hold an arrow down to make the time move faster.

Wait Until the Time Sets

Once you have adjusted the time accordingly, simply stop pressing any button and the system will go back to the main screen. After double checking that the correct time has been set you can go back to enjoying your soft water system.

How To Set Your Bypass Valve

The Jason’s Water Softener has a bypass valve that allows you to shut off the flow of water from entering into your water softener. Instead of sending your homes direct water line through your water softener for treatment it will send it directly to your home.

Why Turn on Your Bypass?

You may want to turn the bypass valve on if you are going away on a vacation or if there is an issue with your home’s internal plumbing that needs to be repaired. You may want to prevent the water from entering your tank if you are not using or if there may be other issues with your water lines because it will keep our your Jason’s Water Softener from regenerating your water lines.

Where is a Water Softener Bypass?

On the Jason’s Water System the bypass valves will be located on the rear of the control panel. There will be two valves that are connected to your water line. On one end the water comes in from your city or well and enters into the water softener, and on the other, the softened water will enter into your home’s pipes. The bypass valves will be clearly labeled with the word “Bypass” and will have an arrow pointing in the direction that the knobs should be turned to turn the bypass on.

How To Turn On The Bypass

The water softener bypass can be turned on by turning both valves a quarter of a turn in the direction of the arrows. When both of the valves are pointing the horizontal direction the water should be bypassing your Jason’s Water Softener.

How To Turn The Bypass Off

To turn the bypass of all you have to do is turn the bypass valves so they are pointing vertically (north to south) to your system. When turned back the valves will send water into your system and the water flow should return to a normal pressure in a few seconds once your Jason’s Water system has been replenished with water in the tank.

How To Service a Brine Tank

On of the most popular questions we are asked is how to service the brine tank on your Jason’s Water Softener system.

What Is a Brine Tank?

The purpose of a brine tank is to store salt that will create a brine solution that will at times run through your water system. The brine solution will be used in your water softener to replace hard minerals in your water through a process called ion exchange. The brine tank on the Jason’s Water Softener system is on demand, and it will know when to automatically clean out itself to ensure soft water runs through your home.

How to Check Brine Tank Salt Level

In order for your water softener to operate effectively, you must make sure that there is salt in your brine tank. On the outside of your Jason’s water brine tank will have a clearly marked line which indicates the level of salt needed in your system. To check if your brine tank has salt, simply remove the brine tank lid and compare the level to the marked line. If your salt level is far below the marked line, you may need to add salt to the system.

What Salt to Use in Your Brine Tank

You can use a wide variety of salt types in your Jason’s Water Softener, and because our system was designed to save you money, you should find the cheapest salt you can. Make sure to purchase the salt pellets and not the crystals, we find that the pellets have a longer lifespan.

How to Add Salt to a Brine Tank

To add salt to your Jason’s Water brine tank simply remove the lid and pour the salt to the marked line. Do not fill above the line marked on the outside of the unit. We suggest adding two to three 40-pound bags of salt at a time.

Brine Tank Water Level

The water level in your brine tank is determined by the displacement of salt is in your system. When you have a lot of salt in your system you may notice a higher water level. The Jason’s Water system is designed to recharge automatically and will maintain an optimal amount of water in your brine tank.

How To Change Filters in the Aqua 3 Filtration System

  1. Turn the shut-off valve to the "off" position to stop water from going to the filters
  2. Release the water pressure in your tap by running water through it until no more comes out
  3. Place a towel or tray underneath the filters to catch any water that leaks out
  4. Slowly unscrew a filter, then screw in a new one with the matching filter number
  5. Repeat for the other two filters
  6. Dry off any water
  7. Turn the shut-off valve back to the "service" position
  8. Turn the water on through your tap to release any air within the new filters
  9. Enjoy your clean water!

How to Change a FreshPoint Filter

What Is a FreshPoint Filter?

The FreshPoint water filter is a three-stage water filtration system that is designed to reduce impurities in your whole house water supply. Consisting of three filter grades, the FreshPoint system can significantly reduce lead, CYST, VOC, Chlorine and other impurities that affect taste, odor, and color.

When Is It Time to Replace the FreshPoint Filters?

To assure optimal whole house water quality, we recommend FreshPoint filters be replaced every 6-months.

Where to Purchase FreshPoint Filters?

Jason’s Water Systems offers a pack of 3 filters for only $120 (plus shipping). Order your new filters by following these 3 simple steps:

  • Visit our service request page by clicking on the button below.
  • Fill in your information and enter “I want to buy a pack of 3 FreshPoint filters” into the “Requested Service” section of the form
  • Submit your information, it’s that easy!

We Service All Types of Water Softener Systems

Jason’s Water offers maintenance services on any make and model of water softener systems. We’re the leaders in our industry with the experience necessary for general water system upkeep, and that includes any other brand systems installed in your home.

Trust our experienced technicians for your maintenance service call.

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