Whole House System Certifications


Water softeners must be properly sized for the homes that they are installed in.

Jason’s Water Systems have been tested for softening and filtration all-in-1 tank and are currently  certified by the International Association of Plumbing Mechanicals (IAPMO).  

Compliance with an NSF/ANSI is different from compliance with the plumbing code. Testing products for Softening through NSF/ANSI Standard 44 and Filtration through NSF/ANSI Standard 42 is just the beginning. These tests will show you, the consumer, at what rate the product is able to service your water.  Based on the results of this information, the product is then reviewed for compliance to the Uniform Plumbing Codes through IAPMO R&T testing.

Water Treatment System Shopping Guide

  1. Service Flow rate through NSF/ANSI Standard 44
  2. Lifespan of Filtration by gallons through NSF/ANSI Standard 42
  3. Does system meet UPC or ICC standards
  4. Lifetime Warranty

No testing standards = No protection

UPC Water Softening Certified
Many well-known companies install “modern” water softeners that do not have high flow. Water softeners must be properly sized for the homes that they are installed in. Jason’s Water Systems' service flow rates have been certified by the International Association of Plumbing Mechanicals (IAPMO).
Minimum ICC Service flow rates for homes are as follows:
16.8 GPM
18.5 GPM
21.1 GPM
Water softeners must soften water at the minimum ICC flow rate for your bathroom count. Water softeners that do not meet plumbing requirements may restrict the flow of water and decrease water pressure. Undersized softeners can also “bleed-through”, where some hard water is allowed through the system, defeating the purpose of the system itself. Ensure the water softener flow rate meets modern ICC plumbing code requirements for your home size. Also, confirm all water softener pipes, connections, and valves have a minimum diameter of one inch, and any flow rates are measured in gallons per minute (GPM).
Pressure Drop – Ensures the water softener does not significantly decrease water pressure at the tested service flow rate. Note: The tested flow rate could be less than ICC requirements for your home so always verify the tested service flow rate is adequate for your home size!
UPC NSF/ANSI 44 Water Softening Certified
Jason’s Water Softeners fully conform to NSF/ANSI Standard 44. Consumers should look for a mark indicating conformance to NSF/ANSI Standard 44 when examining water softeners.
Softening Performance - NSF/ANSI Standard 44 tests the performance at which rate your water softener can service and clean your water.  Your water system test results should be at minimum your required gpm from the chart above (ICC).  

Any water system tested by NSF/ANSI Standard 44 will bear the symbol on their product.  Testing alone does not certify your system to be compliant with the Uniform Plumbing Code standards.  Your system should not only be tested by NSF/ANSI Standard 44, but also Certified to UPC/ICC to comply with local plumbing codes.  

Jason's Water Systems is tested for softening water with service flow rates up to 27 gpm and are fully certified by IAPMO.
UPC NSF/ANSI 42 Water Softening Certified
The NSF/ANSI Standard 42 tests systems designed to reduce specific aesthetic contaminants (chlorine as well as taste and odor) that may be present in public or private drinking water. Water Softeners do not remove these contaminants which affect the integrity of the Resin media over time causing media to clog your pipes, lower your water pressure and ruin your water system.

Chlorine removal is tested in gallons not years!  If your water treatment system has Activated Carbon inside, then it should bear this symbol and state the tested lifespan for chlorine removal in gallons.

Jason’s Water Systems is tested to remove chlorine from 200,000 to 400,000 gallons of water and is fully certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 42 by IAPMO.
Water Quality Association logo
The Water Quality Association is dedicated to promoting the highest principles of honesty, integrity, fair dealing and professionalism in the water quality improvement industry. It is equally dedicated to preserving the consuming public's right to quality water. This Code of Ethics sets standards of conduct for industry members in their dealings with their customers, among themselves, with members of related industries, and the public at large.