What Is a Soft Water Loop?
A soft water loop is a copper piping system that reconnects your home's internal water distribution pipes to the water softener. The main use of a water loop is to keep the inside and outside of home's water systems separated.
Benefits Of A Water Loop
The main benefit of a soft water loop is that you can keep your home's outside water lines separated from your home's internal piping. Plants, grass, trees, and any of your other outdoor watering does not need to be with softened water.Plants are used to the minerals that are in hard water and are able to stand up to harder conditions. The piping infrastructure to your home's external piping is easier to fix and of lower cost. On top of the cost of piping outside, there are no high-cost appliances that should be protected from the corrosive properties of hard water in your home's external piping system.
Regenerate your soft water
A water loop is extremely helpful in regenerating your home's water lines with soft water. When your pipes are not in use the water can sit and collect particles. A soft water loop will keep the water flowing and regenerate the settled water with new and refreshed soft water. This is useful to get rid of buildup that is already existing in your pipes and appliances.If you do not have a soft water system yet, you will want to consider also installing a water loop to improve the quality of your water. At Jason's Water Softeners, we offer a free on-site water softener consultation so we can answer all of your questions about water softeners and how to install a water loop in your home.
What Does A Water Loop Look Like?
Many homes have a water loop already installed. In this case installing a water softener will be very easy. A water loop will appear as an extra copper pipe located on the wall nearby your water heater. You can tell that the copper pipe is a water loop if it has a cap on the end of it. A capped copper pipe implies that the water line is active or has water in it.
Installing a Water Loop
Installing a water loop can be an easy task, but gets difficult in larger homes. Every home's water distribution has a beginning and an end. The first step to installing a water loop is finding the end of the water distribution.In concrete slab homes, the water line can commonly be located in the ceiling or attic. The attic offers customizable and easily accessible space for improvements and modifications. In a pier and beam home, the water lines could be in the crawl space of the home. In the crawl space, it is very easy to tell where the beginning and end of a water line is.Once the end of the water line is found the next step is plumbing a pipe that goes back to where the water heater is. It is universal that with most zoning codes that the water heater is in an area that can also be used to install a water softener.
Getting Your Home Free Of Hard Water Is Easy
With Jason's Water Softeners it is just a matter of contacting us for a free water analysis. We will analyze the quality of your home's water and determine the best way to get rid of your home's hard water. For the best water softeners in San Antonio that money can buy, choose Jason's Water Systems. Contact Jason's Water Softeners today for your free water analysis!