Is Drinking Tap Water Bad?
Determining whether drinking tap water is bad or not depends on the adherence of your local water system to the Safe Drinking Water Act. The Safe Drinking Water Act holds up a number of water quality standards for public water systems to adhere to.These standards are upheld on a local level through routine tests of water treatment facilities and their findings are available for the public. If your water treatment facility has a high number of pollutants and violations, installing a water filter can greatly improve your home's water quality.
Tap Water Pollution Occurrences
The EPA publishes reports of water quality violations which makes determining the safety of your tap water easier. This map displays clean water act violations across the nation and makes it easy to pinpoint your local water system.
Common Tap Water Pollution
The water treatment process does not catch all pollutants and occasionally adds additional pollution to the water from chemicals and materials used to treat water. The EPA's Drinking Water Regulations clearly lays out the different pollutants found in water sources, the allowed limits, and any side effects.
Disinfection Byproducts, DBP
Water treatment facilities occasionally violate the standards for DBP or disinfection byproducts which are chemicals like chlorine, chloramine, and oxidizing chemicals used to destroy microbial contamination. Disinfection byproducts will degrade the water quality in your home and will give your water an unpleasant taste.
Coliform is a common bacteria pollutant in water systems that does not cause any major illness. Coliform is commonly found in fecal matter and can make its way into water systems from leaching through water runoff from precipitation. Coliform can leach into the water source through natural runoff or from cracks in water distribution pipes. Although coliform is not a dangerous pollutant, it is an indicator of other issues with a water system.
Nitrogen based chemical compounds used in the agricultural, and lawn care industry as fertilizer can leach through the soil into drinking water sources. From influxes in water runoff water treatment facilities can mistreat the water letting higher amounts of nitrogen to reach the water system. High nitrogen levels can lead to algal blooms in water systems and are harmful to infants by disrupting the bloodstream.
Inorganic Contaminants IOC
Inorganic contaminants are a pollution type that covers naturally occurring chemicals like mercury, arsenic, lead and cyanide. This also includes production and agricultural pollution like nitrates, copper, iron, lead, and zinc.
Arsenic is commonly found in soil and the earth's crust and reaches its way into drinking water systems through natural runoff. Although arsenic is a deadly chemical, it is only deadly in high concentrations which are not commonly reached in drinking water systems.
Radioactive materials naturally occur in the soil and can leach into water sources through natural runoff and erosion. Radioactive materials can cause cancer and other health issues in high concentrations. The safe limit for radioactive materials in drinking water is none to zero parts per million and influxes of radioactive material in drinking water sources is taken seriously by the EPA.
Conduct A Water Test
At Jason's Water Systems we offer a free in-home water test which helps you determine if there are any pollutants in your water. An in-home water test is more accurate than referring to water quality reports because they are administered after distribution. Some water pollutants can be added from leaks and issues with water pipes in the system.Our free test helps you determine if your water has any health risks, or can cause any issues with your home's appliances and pipes.
Install a Water Filter in Your Home Today
Water filters are a smart investment especially if your water municipality commonly has clean water infractions. Installing a water filter on your home offers a second line of filtration that will greatly improve the quality of your water. Because of the massive amount of demand that water systems need to supply, current water purification processes occasionally fail.A home water treatment system offers you better filtration and cleaner water even when water systems fail.