Jason's Water Systems Interview on 99.1 Mike FM
In April and May of 2022, our team met with the folks over at 99.1 Mike FM to discuss what we've doing been to help homeowners this year.
We covered how the Texas Hill Country and San Antonio have some of the hardest water in the USA, making our water softeners so important to local homeowners. New plumbing codes recently rolled out in our area, so we covered that as well. We mentioned our free water tests, as well as how those works, and how we custom fit our water softeners for homes in the area, based on their home size as well as the number of bathrooms. Well water is important to many homeowners in the surrounding Hill Country, so we covered our well water systems as well. And of course, all of our water softeners can be installed by our own in-house master plumbers, so plumbing loops aren't required. Check out the videos below to get the full scoop of what we've been doing here at Jason's Water Systems in 2022!