What is a Reverse Osmosis system?
Reverse osmosis system is a purifier that passes water through a fine porous material at great pressure. The porous filter is made from materials that block larger molecules like bacteria pollutants and unsafe chemicals and allows smaller molecules like water, to pass through.A reverse osmosis system is used in many areas of practice such as the culinary preparation of maple syrup and medical industries to make high purity water. Some systems are also available for your home.A reverse osmosis system is great for homes that are on a well water system or a water source that is an alternative to city water distribution. The porous filter will cut out any hard chemicals and protect your home from any pollutants that could be in a water source.
Does Reverse Osmosis Remove Fluoride?
Fluoride is added to public drinking water systems to prevent tooth decay. If you do not want fluoride in your water, a reverse osmosis system can be used to lower the level of it in your water.Around 90% of fluoride molecules will be caught by a reverse osmosis filter.Fluoride does not have any taste or smell, and with the amount that it is added to the public drinking water systems, it would be hard to notice a difference. But if you do not want fluoride in your drinking water, charcoal and other water softening systems will not get rid of fluoride.
How Does Reverse Osmosis Work?
A reverse osmosis system relies on a set of tanks, a water supply line, a filter and pressure to work. The water supply builds up in a supply tank and is pressurized by a pump.The pressurized water will reach a pressure amount where the water molecules will be able to pass through the filter. Without the pressure, the water molecules will not have enough kinetic energy built up to move through the filter.The filter will catch any large molecules on the outside of the membrane where it can be cleaned off later. The water that comes out for the system returns to normal pressure and makes its way to the internal piping of your home.
Is Reverse Osmosis Water Good for you?
Reverse osmosis water is good for you in the sense that is very pure. Water that is passed through a reverse osmosis system is extremely clean and free of any impurities.Some chemicals are however good for your health and will be cut out of your diet from drinking only heavily purified water. Calcium, Fluoride, Vitamin C, and other helpful minerals are all added to public drinking water systems and would be filtered out of reverse osmosis water.If you are not on a public drinking water system, a reverse osmosis system is one of the best purification options on the market. A reverse osmosis system can ensure water that is free of harmful bacteria and organisms.
Does Reverse Osmosis Remove Chlorine?
Reverse osmosis systems will remove chlorine and other chlorides from your water. Chlorine is added to public water systems to fight microbial growth and other issues with unsafe chemicals. Chlorides are not common if you are on a well water system or other forms of untreated water.The amount of chlorides in public drinking water system is not high, and you can easily learn how to read your local water quality report.
Interested in a Reverse Osmosis System?
If you would like to know more about reverse osmosis systems and if they would fit into your home's water distribution system, contact Jason's Water Softeners today!